
Bebe Jumeau in Original Dress and Bonnet
Live Auction

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16" (42 cm). Pressed bisque socket head, deep blue glass paperweight inset eyes with spiral threading, dark eyeliner, dark painted lashes, rose blushed eye shadow, brushstroked and multi- feathered brows, accented eye corners and nostrils, closed mouth with shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully jointed body with straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Depose E 7 J (on head, with artist checkmarks) Jumeau Medaille d'Or Paris (body). Comments: Jumeau, circa 1885. Value Points: gorgeous bebe with transfixing eyes, superb bisque, near mint original body, wearing Jumeau frock of cream cashmere wool with lace overlay on skirt, ecru silk sash, and matching very elaborate bonnet of ivory silk faille with ribbon and lace frou-frous, Jumeau earrings, brooch, ivory kid shoes, undergarments, woven stockings.