
Acrobat Clown on Ladder
Live Auction

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A bisque-head clown with blue glass paperweight eyes, closed mouth, red and green mohair clown wig, clown decorations of face, carton torso, hinged legs, and composition hands, is balanced on the top poles of a white wooden ladder that is posed on a velvet-covered wooden base. The clown wears peach and green jester costume and hat. The bisque head is by Jumeau. Movements: the clown balances himself in upright position with his weight on his hands, then slowly raises his body into a perpendicular and finally, upside-down balancing position. Then he lifts his left hand, supporting his body on his right hand, repeats the motion three times, and then lowers his body to the starting position.

An identical model, with variation of bisque head, was down on page 132 of Baily's Automata, The Golden Years.