A bisque doll with portrait face, brown glass paperweight eyes, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig with modeled bosom, carton torso and legs, bisque forearms, is standing upon a gold velvet-covered wooden flat base. She wears an elaborate gold and ivory silk gown with hand painted decorations, velvet jacket, decorative lace and tassels, wooden shoes with velvet tops. A fancy wicker basket is attached to the side of her torso by a hidden metal rod, although she appears to be carrying it. A yellow chicken is in the basket. Paper label on the base indicates two tunes (names illegible). Paper label on base "357" may indicate original inventory number. Movements: the lady turns her head from side to side, and nods in a circular motion, she offers a little flower to the chick, the basket lid opens and the chick bobs its head up and down and "chirps". By Gustav Vichy, France, circa 1885. 24" (62 cm). Six movements. Two tunes.