
Juggling Clown by Gustav Vichy
Live Auction

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A composition-head clown with brown glass eyes, leather eyelids, painted clown features, antic burgundy and turquoise clown hair, and composition body is posed seated upon a wooden stool, his right leg outstretched, his left foot resting on the bottom rung of the stool. He wears a brilliant yellow and black silk clown costume decorated with metallic threads, gold buttons and unusual dog figural fob. In his right hand he holds a balancing stick and ball. Movements: he nods in a circular motion, turns his head to the left and waves his left arm as though calling for attention, turns his head toward the balancing stick, his right arms move side to side, and the ball moves up and down the entire length of the stick as though he is juggling; throughout, his eyelids alternately blink and his tongue sticks out, at first a little bit, and then a lot. France, circa 1890. 30" (76 cm). Six movements. Two tunes.