Seated upon a wooden park bench in a demure pose with crossed ankles and haughty yet flirtatious pose is an elegantly dressed lady with shapely body. The figure has composition head with brown glass eyes, leather eyelids, open mouth with painted row of teeth, brunette hair, carton torso posed in seated position with unusual separate place above the bosom allowing for breathing mechanism, composition hands with painted gloves. She wears fashionable ivory silk taffeta gown with lavender silk banding and trim, elaborate lace ruffles at the low-cut bodice and throat, lace-trimmed undergarments and bonnet, black stockings and sculpted black heeled shoes. She holds a lorgnette in her right hand, and a fan in her left hand. The key is the ornamental fleur-de-lis design of Vichy. Movements: she turns her head to the right and lifts her lorgnette as though peering at some scandalous scene, begins to breathe heavily as though aghast, turns her head to the left and fans herself; throughout, her eyelids continue to open and close. From the Vichy series of automata depicting the Parisian society, the Lady on the Park Bench may have been intended as a companion to Vichy's La Pochard, illustrated in his catalog, portraying a fashionable dandy as drunk lolling on the identical park bench. France, circa 1890. 25" (63 cm) seated. Six movements. Two tunes. Exhibits: Hospice Saint- Charles, Liege, 1994.