
French Rope Dancer with Two Musicians
Live Auction

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Arranged on an ebony-finished wooden base, under a glass dome, is an elaborate setting displaying a graceful feat of rope dancing performed in front of a palace-like façade. The façade, made of cartonnage, has dimensional architectural details, grey painted walls with elaborate gilt decorations and red curtains; the backside of the façade is finished with early hand-painted wallpaper. On the platform in front of the façade an acrobatic performance is underway. A tightrope dancer appears to be posed on tip-toe upon a tightly strung rope, a balancing stick in her hands, while a musician is seated on either side, one holding cymbals. The figures are of paper mache with exquisitely painted facial features and fine silk costumes enhanced with embossed gilt decorations. Movements: she balances on one foot, raises up and down bending her jointed knees, lifts the balancing stick, and moves back and forth on the wire; while one man claps the cymbals and the other nods his head approvingly. The automaton is outstanding in the richness of its presentation, and delicate yet realistic movements. The art of balancing and dancing upon a tightly strung rope was popular with most Asiatic and European countries from earliest history. A long pole assisted the performer in keeping his balance. The act relied upon mechanics of balance, but the most notable dancers incorporated grace and delicacy into their act. Until the development of the common man's circus during the 1800åÁs,the act of tightrope dancing was mostly performed for the entertainment of royalty and privileged, as this example indicates. France. Circa 1860. 26" height dome (66 cm). Six movements. Two tunes. Exhibitions: Bagatelle,Paris,1993.