A paper mache character head portraying a young black man with highly expressive and handsome features, has brown glass eyes, sculpted brows and cheek bones, open mouth with painted teeth, black fleecy hair, and paper mache body with articulation of right knee, left elbow and right arm, is posed in a relaxed seated position on a wooden rocking chair. The man is wearing rust velvet vest with fancy buttons, sateen shirt with bow tie, yellow silk trousers, striped cotton stockings and brown leather clogs, and brown felt hat. His hands are painted to suggest gloves and he holds a cigarette holder in his right hand between thumb and index finger; the holder is attached to a rubber hose that runs though his arm, and eventually to the hole in his mouth, allowing the man to appear to inhale and exhale as though smoking. Movements: he leans backward and somnolently turns his head, his eyelids blink open and closed, he brings his right hand up as though to inhale, he brings his left hand forward and backward as though to commence the rocking of the chair, and he taps his left foot; the chair rocks. Gustav Vichy, France. Circa 1895. 26" (66 cm). Six movements plus rocking chair and smoking. Two tunes. Exhibitions: Bagatelle,Paris,1993; Hospice Saint- Charles, Liege, 1994.