
Music Hall Monkey at the Piano
Live Auction

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A monkey with composition head, painted white highlights above the glass eyes, hinged jaw, two rows of teeth, hair, carton torso and legs, over- sized feet, composition hands, is seated on a wooden stool in front of a piano, the entire scene arranged upon an unusually shaped wooden base with brown velvet floor. The monkey wears yellow trousers and double-breasted vest, ruffled shirt and red jacket with long tails. The upright piano and wooden stool are suggestive of music hall furnishings. Movements: the monkey turns his head periodically in time to the music, his mouth moves constantly as though humming to the music, and his hands play the piano in a realistic manner, each independently of the other, with changing techniques of key gliding and tapping. The automaton appeared in the Vichy catalog as Singe au Piano,No.505,with an indication that the piece was deposed. France, circa 1900. 19" (48 cm). Four movements Two tunes. Exhibits: Bagatelle, Paris, 1993.