A gentleman is posed upon a flat green velvet base, having composition head, brown glass eyes, leather eyelids, hinged jaw, double row of teeth, white lambswool wig, and long moustache, carton torso and legs, and metal hands. He is wearing leather short trousers that appear tucked into modeled black composition boots, white shirt with bow tie, faux-diamond cufflinks, red double breasted coat with fancy buttons, black top hat, watch and fob, and is holding a meerschaum and brass cigarette holder in right hand and a monocle in the other. The key is marked G.V. An internal rubber tube extending from the side of the cigarette holder through his arm, chest and out his mouth creates the impression that he is smoking. Movements: he turns his head to the right, nods, and lifts cigarette to his mouth, his mouth opens and he appears to inhale, he turns to the left, nods and looks through his monocle, then exhaling. The automaton appeared in an early catalog of Vichy named Fumeur Gentleman,No.445,with an indication that the model was depose (patented),and that the smoking system precluded the possibility of a musical mechanism. By Gustav Vichy, France, circa 1885. 26" (66 cm). Seven movements.