
Petite Pierrot Strumming the Mandolin
Live Auction

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A bisque-headed clown, depicting the legendary Pierrot, with highly characterized features and white clown face has movable eyes, closed mouth in shy smile, and deeply impressed laughter lines at eyes, mouth and forehead. He is seated upon a wooden chair, his knees crossed, holding a mandolin, and is wearing a classic Pierrot costume of ivory silk crepe with black pom-poms and matching cap. The head is marked 1304 S.5 H. The key is marked L.B. Movements: he nods his head up and down while strumming the mandolin, his eyes open and close in a dreamy manner, and he appears to tap his foot in time to the music. The bisque head is from a rare character head series by Simon and Halbig for Lambert automata of this era. At the end of the 19th century the legendary figures of Pierrot and Pierrette were highly popular in Parisian society, appearing in a number of dolls and toys, posters and other decorative arts. By Leopold Lambert, France, circa 1900. 17" (45 cm). Four movements. Two tunes. Exhibits: Hospice Saint-Charles, Liege.