The paper mache figure of a slender-bodied white-faced clown, Pierrot, is seated on the bottom curve of a slice of moon, holding a mandolin in his arms. The moon slice is artfully curved and has a profile dimensional moon face - also white, like Pierrot - including glass eyes and an open mouth with hinged jaw. Pierrot has painted clown features, glass eyes and an open mouth, and wears a rich silk and velvet costume. Movements: Pierrot plays the mandolin, turns his head, and saucily sticks out his tongue at the moon; the moon winks at Pierrot and opens and closes its mouth. Pierrot Serenading the Moon appeared in an early Vichy catalog under the title, Aubade a la lune, model 424 and 434 (left-looking or right- looking),and identified as a deposed model G.V. by Vichy. This example, with the moon looking to the left, is the rarer version. The automaton appeared in Automata, the Golden Years, and was featured on the cover of the catalog of Bailly's exhibition in Liege in 1994. It is often referred to as a symbolic model of the insouciant charm of life in late 19th century Paris. Circa 1890. 21" (53 cm). Five movements. Two tunes. Exhibits Bagatalle,Paris,1993; Hospice Saint- Charles,Liege,1994.