
The Glutton by Henry Phalibois
Live Auction

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Seated upon the back of a wooden chair is a character with composition head, brown glass eyes, highly characterized features with long pointy nose, wide beaming smile, rosy cheeks, dimples, brown mohair wig, carton torso and legs, composition hands. The character wears magenta silk trousers and black jacket with magenta lining, yellow silk vest, silk shirt with bow tie, green felt cap, and leather shoes, and holds a biscuit in its uniquely sculpted fingers. Movements: head turns from side to side, eyelids blink alternately, tongue moves in and out, and side to side, left leg taps the chair seat, and chest heaves as though breathing. The Glutton was a significant piece in the repertoire of Henri Phalibois, as it was illustrated on an invoice from that firm during the 1905 era, shown in the book, Flights of Fancy, by Christian and Sharon Bailly, page 342. A variation of this model appears as #21,this book. Henri Phalibois, France. Circa 1905. 31" (79 cm). Six movements. Two tunes. Exhibits: Bagatelle, Paris, 1993.