
The Fruit Seller with Surprises
Live Auction

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Standing upon a green velvet covered platform is a bisque-head doll with blue glass paperweight eyes, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig, carton torso and legs, bisque forearms. She wears a costume of maroon and ivory silk with velvet jacket, lace trim, straw bonnet, maroon silk slippers. The head is marked Depose Tete Jumeau Bte SGDG. A wooden tray with gilt ormolu border is attached to the doll by metal rod from torso; and arranged upon the tray are two paper mache apples with stems and leaves; inside one apple is a glass-eyed monkey and inside the other is a pair of all- bisque dancing dolls. Movements: the girl turns her head from side to side and nods, she taps the tray three times with her right hand and one apple opens, revealing the monkey who turns his head from side to side; she taps again and the other apple opens, revealing the bisque couple twirling around in a dance. A favorite theme of Lambert, the "surprise" automaton was repeated in various styles and degrees of luxury, ranging from a small classic girl showing a bird in wicker basket, to the portrait-faced Bouquetiere (#107,this book). France, circa 1890. 28" (71 cm). Seven movements. Two tunes. Exhibits: Bagatelle, Paris, 1993.