Mephistopheles by Leopold Lambert
Lot #106
A highly characterized composition head depicting Mephistopheles, the head unique for this automaton, with exaggerated sharpness of nose, jaw and chin, has brown glass eyes, leather eyelids, richly colored reddish complexion, open mouth with hinged jaw, double row of teeth, red mohair brows, beard and moustache, composition hands with defined modeling, carton torso and legs in stylized stance upon a velvet-covered wooden base. He holds a wooden mandolin with fine inlay detail in his hands, and he wears a dramatic costume of red silk and black velvet with rich metallic trim, red silk hat with gilt metallic trim and feather, black velvet shoes, along with silver sword at his side. The key is marked L.B. and a paper label at the side lists four tunes, all from the opera Faust by Gounod. Movements: as he seductively strums his mandolin by pivoting his wrist from side to side, he leans his head from side to side and forward in a circular movement, his eyelids open and close, and his mouth opens and closes as though singing. Mephistopheles was featured on the first page of the original Lambert catalog, listed as #1,an indication of its significant to the Lambert firm and a marked departure from the pretty girls and elegant ladies mostly evident in the firm's production. The devilish character represented Mephistopheles as he appeared in the opera, Faust, by Charles-Francois Gounod. The opera had first appeared in 1859 and, so beloved was it, that by the time of Gounod's death in 1893 it had been performed more than a thousand times in Paris, notably at the Garnier Opera House that had opened in 1874 and remained a center of social life for the affluent Parisians that were likely purchasers of luxury objects. In the opera, the demon describes his costume, including sword, plumed hat and rich cloak all of which are worn by Lambert's Mephistopheles. Leo Claretie, the early French toy collector and historian wrote a report in 1900 of the appearance of Lambert's Mephistopheles at the 1900 Universal Exhibition in Paris "rolling his eyes devilishly" and "wearing red tights and red sequined costume". France, circa 1886. 36" (92 cm). Five movements. Four tunes. Exhibits: Bagatelle, Paris, 1993; Hospice Saint- Charles, Liege, 1994.